When I feel anxious or down, I do creative "downtime" activities to lift my spirits. Although Autumn is my favourite time of year, it is also a melancholy and reflective time...and after the leaves blow away, sometimes the landscape looks a little colourless. And negative thoughts and stressful situations can pull us down emotionally any time of the year. SO to deal with this I focus on working with my hands, gratitude, and fresh air.
Here are some challenges YOU can choose from, especially if you erroneously think you "aren't creative" -- granted, you might not be the next Rembrandt but you DO have an ability to do some basic artsy things. Perhaps you entered into creativity in ways you haven't thought of before. Each of us CREATURES can appreciate (or learn to appreciate) CREATIVITY and experience the joy artistic things can give us...........in one form or another:
MUSIC. Listen to uplifting music. If you are on Spotify, you can create a personal playlist.
CARE for Beauty. Get a plant (or a pet) and tend to it. Or just admire it till it dies (I'm not a green thumb).
JOURNAL. Write a 10-minute gratitude journal entry answering: What you are thankful for, who has helped you or has been kind recently, what is new in your life, and what (or who) is dependable?)
POETRY. Write a simple Haiku. 5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables...depicting nature:
BAKE. Bake something and decorate it. (Optional bonus: give it to a friend.)
REARRANGE a shelf. Mixing things up in your home adds interest -- and life to your soul!
DANCE. Close the door, draw the blinds, and dance expressively like a fool to awesome music.
WALK & SNAP. Take 50 pictures of nature within ONE block of your house.
ART. A scribble - and find fun things in it. It is like finding pictures in the clouds...OR you could just go outside and find animals in some clouds. Have fun! For now, CLICK on the "Blank Page" to see my 2-minute drawing.
NOW GRAB a piece of paper, something to colour with, and do the same!
OR DO SOMETHING and COMMENT below letting me know about your experience.